Ecologi is a platform for climate action, helping individuals, families and businesses become ‘Climate Positive’.
Monthly donationInvestmentStryve was born from my passion for cooking, health and wanting to minimise my impact on the planet.
Welcome to Stryve, I’m Rob, the face behind everything you see. I have a keen interest in health and cooking – which is what you’ll find me talking about on this website.
Cooking has been a passion of mine for well over a decade. I’ve always focused on healthy foods, but my perception of health changed in 2017 when my dad passed away from a terminal illness.
This led me to read a multitude of books about nutrition to improve my knowledge in the hope of increasing my odds of living healthier for longer.
On my journey, it became clear there was a lot of contradictory information about health and nutrition.
But making an informed decision it seems a diet that largely consists of whole-food, plant-based ingredients is advantageous to our long-term health.
And so here we are today.
Stryve is my solution to share the knowledge I’ve learnt over the years (and continue to learn) with others like you.
Ecologi is a platform for climate action, helping individuals, families and businesses become ‘Climate Positive’.
Monthly donationInvestmentClimeworks uses ‘direct air capture’ to capture carbon dioxide directly from the air and store it underground.
Monthly donationMossy Earth work with one mission in mind, to restore wild ecosystems, support wildlife and biodiversity and help fight climate change.
Monthly donationTreekly turns footsteps into forests, maintain a daily walking habit of 5,000 steps. Hit the target 5 days in a week, and one tree is planted.
Monthly donationGrubby’s mission is to make plant-based cooking more convenient and accessible without costing the earth.
InvestmentHeights exists to make braincare simple - so people can increase healthspan as well as lifespan.
InvestmentWith two profitable sites in Cambridge & London, Stem & Glory is a multi award winning plant-based restaurant.
InvestmentThe Stem is a garden retail brand with a mission to connect people to nature through a best-in-class digital experience.