
Why we value your privacy

We value your privacy as much as we do my own, so we’re committed to keeping your personal and business information safe.

We’re uncomfortable with the information companies, governments, and other organisations keep on file, so we ask for only the bare minimum from our users and customers.

We’ll never use your personal information for any reason other than why you gave it, and we’ll never give anyone access to it unless we’re forced to by law.

How we collect information

  • We collect your email address when you sign up for our newsletter

What information we hold

  • If you sign up for our newsletter, we only collect your email address and name

Where we store your information

If you sign up for our newsletter, we store your email address in Convertkit, which is the marketing platform we prefer.

What we use your information for

We occasionally use your contact information to send you updates about new recipes and articles we’ve created.

When we do, you have the option to unsubscribe from these communications and we won’t send them to you again.

Who’s responsible for your information

Rob Simpson (me), is responsible for the security of your information. You can contact me by email at [email protected] if you have any concerns about the information we store.

The steps we take to keep your information private

Where we store your information in third-party services, access is restricted to myself.

The computer I use is protected by passcode access. This computer asks for authentication whenever it’s started or after 5 minutes of inactivity. My mobile device is also protected by a fingerprint.

How to complain

We take complaints very seriously. If you’ve any reason to complain about the ways we handle your privacy, please contact me (Rob Simpson) by email at [email protected].

Changes to the policy

If we change the contents of this policy, those changes will become effective the moment we publish them on my website.