By Rob, 5 mins read

I built a consistent walking habit, here’s what helped


At the start of the month, I set myself a goal to develop a more consistent walking habit. This was for several reasons:

  • I wanted to develop more of a routine before my second daughter is born

  • I sit down all day for my job, so a ~30 minute walk each day isn’t asking too much

  • I wanted to try and increase my cardio fitness level tracked through my Apple Watch

Before this, how often I walked fluctuated from week to week, but it’s something I enjoy doing so I figured it should be a relatively easy habit to develop.

What made it easier?

There were a couple of things that made this easier for me:

  • Listening to audiobooks whilst walking

  • Finding the right time to walk

  • Creating an incentive


Before covid, I’d regularly listen to audiobooks on my commute to work (I completed ~25 books between 2018 and 2020 which I wouldn’t have otherwise).

Since working from home from early 2020 (now self-employed), I haven’t been able to find a place in my schedule where listening to audiobooks works for me.

So I decided to try and stack my walking habit with listening to audiobooks.

I had  the proof is in the plants on my radar from months prior so I grabbed a copy on Audible.

If you want to try listening to audiobooks, choose subjects you’re interested in, it could be;

  • fiction

  • self-improvement

  • finance

  • and so on...

Don’t choose a book you’ll end up hating, just because you think you should – this should work as an aid and not a deterrent.

When to walk

The best time to walk is what works best for you. For me that is:

  • the morning

  • around lunch time

I’m more of a morning person and like to get out when things are quiet.

On top of this, it’s great to achieve something early in the day and not have to worry about it later.

Failing or in addition to a morning walk, next up would be lunchtime. Lunchtime walks have saved entire afternoons of work for me – as the break and fresh air helps to clear my head.

There’s also evidence that being out in nature helps to improve our mental health as mentioned in plant therapy.

Creating an incentive

A little incentive goes a long way, you can choose to either:

  • reward yourself for doing something

  • avoid losing something if you do what you said you’d do

Loss aversion (preferring to not lose what you already have, instead of gaining something you don’t have), is a very strong motivator.

For example, you could say;

  • if I go for a walk every day of the month, I’ll buy myself a new pair of shoes, or

  • if I don’t go for a walk every day of the month, I’ll give the money to charity

I decided to download the Treekly app – where they plant trees if you hit a certain step count (even on the free plan).

I chose to upgrade to the plus account, which meant I paid £3.99 a month, and for each day I did 5,000 steps they’d plant a tree.

Use what you have

When we look at starting new habits (especially exercise related), there’s often a lot of equipment and gadgets you could buy, but I’d encourage you, to try and use what you have.

There will be exceptions to this, depending on your circumstances and what you’re doing, but you can often do a lot with what you already have.

And once it’s become a habit, you can then reward yourself with some of those things you know will really help you.

If I keep my walking habit come April, I’ll reward myself by upgrading my shoes to something like Vivo Barefoot shoes – designed to be more like our natural foot.

Want to build better habits?

If you want to build better habits, like walking, consider changing some variables (depending on how new you are to it);

  • go for a 5-minute walk each day

  • go for 3 walks a week

  • work it into your routine e.g. walk the kids to school

Don’t overextend yourself in the beginning, start small and work your way up. These principles can be used for developing any habit.

~3 year update

After starting my walking journey at the end of 2021, I thought it’d be good to update this post.

Surprisingly, everything I’ve discussed in this article still holds true, after almost 3 years of walking. I’ve:

  • Taken 7,428,050 steps

  • Averaged 6,489 steps a day

  • Planted 845 trees in the process

So what helped make this walking habit stick?

Truthfully this will be different for everyone.

But with everything, the most important thing above anything else is; turning it into a habit.

And the only way to create a habit is to do something consistently.

This will be harder in the beginning, but after time things will get easier.

What helps me show up almost every day is the way I feel after:

  • Helps to clear my head

  • Gives me time to think

Although I don’t go for a walk to plant a tree (through Treekly), I can’t deny that my brain fires off a sense of accomplishment every day I take 5,000+ steps.

Strengthening my feet

A few months after making my walking habit stick – I did in fact buy a pair of Vivobarefoot shoes (and never looked back).

In fact, most of my family are converts:

  • I have 2 pairs
  • My wife has 2 pairs
  • One of my brothers has 3 pairs
  • His girlfriend has a pair
  • And my other brother also has a pair

So if you can, I’d highly recommend their shoes, you might go through an adjustment period, but being able to strengthen my feet through my walks has been great.

Making things harder

In 2023, I also started adding weighted walks to my routine.

This was a concept I came across in the book Outlive – where Dr Peter Attia talks about ways to improve your life as you age.

He talked about this concept of "rucking" – which originates from military training, where soldiers would walk with heavy gear to build strength and endurance.

It also acts as a time machine, showing you how walking will become more strenuous as you age.

All in all, I honestly can’t recommend developing a walking routine enough.

For something that doesn’t require a lot of physical effort, it packs a punch when it comes to mental and physical health.

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